Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why am i responsible for the world ?

We live in a world stricken with murder, war and other elusive games we have conjured up to amuse us. A world floating in apathy, steaming with insecurity and hatred....

Who is to be blamed for this state we find ourselves in? We are. As individuals, as human beings, we are completely responsible for all the miseries; the world has faced over the past couple of years. How? Well, As Jiddu says , each one of us are responsible for every war because of the aggressiveness of our own lives, because of our nationalism, our selfishness, our gods, our prejudices, our ideals, all of which divide us. For centuries, mankind has been oppressed by mankind, every thought, that doesn’t conform to the existing norms of the society, has been sabotaged. Our reluctance in accepting information that would shatter our existing beliefs and norms has eventually resulted in the insinuation of a mythical supreme being who would set things right; instead of logically breaking down the problem. In order to understand the root cause of any problem, we must realise that we are all connected and are collectively responsible for all our actions spelling doom such as war for instance.

So how do we set things right? Adopting a laissez-faire attitude towards the society isn’t the answer nor is revolting against the established ordinance going to do any good. The only way we could establish change in the current system is by adopting a complete change in our current attitude. As John N Mitchell says, ‘our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.’ Our attitude, feelings and actions can all be attributed to our thoughts. The living entity inside our head, generating the chain of thought processes, thereby causing an action or a reaction, is what made our history and moulded our present. We need to truly understand the implications of our thoughts and its effects to everyone. Our reality is nothing but a manifestation of our thought process into action.

So, that leaves us with one conclusion, our past, present and future were all created by us.

Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author and an entrepreneur has claimed that if water droplets are subjected to human speech or thoughts, the resulting image of the water crystals would be beautiful or ugly depending on the thoughts or words projected onto it. A little hard to believe isn’t it? Imagine, if words could do that to water, what could thoughts do to us?

What we need to understand is that, thought is a living force. A change in thought is accompanied by vibrations of matter and it is these vibrations that we respond to in the form of emotions or reasons. And, when we change our thought, our mind moulds itself differently, leading to an entirely unique experience.

Think about it!! If all it takes to make your world a better place to live in, a world devoid of any boundaries, a world without any chaos and destruction, is one thought, unfolding into actions of endless possibilities, then,
Maybe, it is about time you ask yourself, ‘Why am I responsible for the world?’